Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fooling your friends 1.1

I'm off to a really late start with this... long story I won't bore you with.

This year I swore off carbonated diet drinks, cold turkey. I turned to the powdered stuff that is much cheaper - Crystal Light (CL) and the various house-brand incarnations. Then, as usual, I found other uses for them. Don't like soy milk? Try it with strawberry CL. Even better, get a carton of plain yogurt, sprinkle some strawberry CL in it and dice up a couple of fresh strawberries. Tastes just like store-bought (actually better) and has fewer calories and more nutrition.

And... those cannisters they come in? Take the label off and use as a drinking glass, complete with lid to protect from buzzy things at picnics or at your computer. Love 'em!